A bucket of rocks

What does it take to grow?

It was supposed to be a fairly simple task… Just plant a knock-out rose. It wouldn’t need a trellis or any staking in place. And knock-out roses are known for being hardy and tolerant of a lot of the pests that take down fancy hybrid teas! So I got the tools and soil additives I needed. I added lime to adjust the pH of the soil, and compost to give the roots a more ideal growing space. (Clay soil is LOUSY for roses!) But I did not plan for all the rocks!

The photo above shows drier-looking rocks (which were on top of the soil) and the darker ones (which were embedded in the garden!) I pulled them out, rock, by rock. I stacked them on the garden wall to deal with later. As the pile got bigger and bigger, I was getting annoyed. I knew I would have to improve the soil to help the rose grow. I didn’t anticipate that over half of the hole I was digging would be rocks!

The rose is now in place, mulched, fertilized and watered. I will watch it carefully for insects and any other infestations over the next few weeks. It will get a good watering every few days it doesn’t rain. With any luck, it will grow. (I make no claims to being an amazing gardener, as most of my plants are chosen with the idea that they will thrive on benevolent neglect!)

There’s so much in our lives that impede our growth, emotionally, spiritually, or relationally. If we take the time to move the rocks aside, we grow better. We literally bloom where we are planted.

I’ve got my own bucket of rocks. You do, too. Be kind to yourself as you uncover them, especially when you (and I) find more than we anticipated. Gentle gardening, folks.

P.S. Stewart reminds you to do your stretches. It does a body good!

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