NaBloPoMo: Winding Down

I spent most of Thanksgiving Day sleeping, recovering from a nasty GI bug that totally flattened me. It was NOT what I had planned. My family rose to the occasion and set a spectacular table!


Amazing. So much food!

IMG_0015What did I do? I slept. Took a shower and slept some more. Had some ice water and slept some more. And then capped off Thanksgiving Day with a delicious bowl of applesauce (it was all I wanted) and slept…

Two purring cats tended their very warm human and made sure I was not left alone.

Today I’m feeling better… a little more energy and a little more interest in food. And counting again all the blessings of my family and friends. (And praying that my self-imposed isolation means that no one got this particular version of the plague!)

There’s plenty more to blog about. NaBloPoMo just got me back in the habit of writing more consistently, And that’s a good thing!


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