A Star Word Reflection on VITALITY: Moving to more fertile ground

We are in the lush, greening season of late spring and early summer. My flowers and herbs have been flourishing (though I did have to replant my oregano and rosemary due to winter kill). The daffodils and jonquils were spectacular and the lilacs bloomed for the first time.

Now I’m reveling in the lovely growth of the wisteria over the pergola…

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The beauty of the first rose of the season…

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And the parade of irises under the dining room window…

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For the first time, these irises bloomed, largely because I moved them out of the “deer grazing zone” and into a more protected flower bed in the back yard.

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They are lovely, aren’t they? It’s amazing what finding a new, safe place to grow will do!

My irises came to mind as I’ve been meditating on my “star word” for 2014,  VITALITY.  I’ve pondered those things that help me grow, and the growing environment where I thrive.

I am very aware that there are some times in my life where I have “tolerated” where I was planted, but did not grow, either because I was entry-level in my field, or because I was afraid to launch out and try my wings. I put down roots. I went through seasons, growing and dying back, warmed and frozen.

Then there’s the times where I’ve been in an inhospitable climate. Simply put, I was in a place where my attempts to grow and change were nibbled back. To be clear, I made choices to stay in that kind of situation. I could have left. I didn’t. At least, not immediately.

As I move forward in my career, I am aware that a good work environment has a number of factors which contribute to its hospitable-ness — the management philosophy, the worldview of the leadership, the valuation of the workers themselves, and most importantly, the variety and diversity of the workers.

I continue to grow, thrive and be surprised at what God will do. Kind of like my irises… I surprise even myself.  I was reminded that each wobbly step I take, each attempt I make, God is always there.

The waters have been deep at times. And yet, when the next step has been “into the great unknown” I have known God’s love and empowering.

This is no small thing. In fact, it’s life-changing.

You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fall
And there I find you in the mystery
In oceans deep, my faith will stand

And I will call upon your name
And keep my eyes above the waves

When oceans rise my soul will rest in your embrace
For I am yours
You are mine…

From Oceans (Where Feet May Fall) by Hillsong United.


    • Oh, so true!!

      There are times that the very inhospitable ground was a place to learn to stand firm against the thorns, if you will. Though wisdom dictates we learn and consider carefully before we choose that kind of situation again! 🙂


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